Fight! The Fighting Game RPG is a new role-playing game written by Christopher Peter for Divine Madness Press. As the name implies, the RPG is designed to capture the feel of 2D and 3D fighting games, and this RPG takes a very "metagame" approach to making that happen. How does that work? Well, we'll take a look.
This review specifically covers the PDF version, available at for $15.00. The download comes in two files, one being the full color cover, and the other bei…
Added by Tommy Brownell on May 12, 2010 at 12:00pm —
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I've decided to re-release a book I wrote about tips for roleplayers a
long, long time ago.

Added by Farsight Games on May 8, 2010 at 9:08am —
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I've talked a lot about different ways of doing games, different situations, different character types, I don't think I've actually addressed the primary thing you need to keep in mind when you are
playing an RPG though, and that is to JUST HAVE FUN.
The G in RPG comes from Game, and games are supposed to be fun. So why are you sitting there being bored when you came to play a game? This is one
of those areas where communication is i
Added by A.L. on May 5, 2010 at 1:49pm —
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A friend just gave me Shatter Zone to read. It's from West End Games. Has anyone ever played it? I was looking for opinions on it.
Added by Tourq on May 5, 2010 at 5:18am —
1 Comment
Personally, I recommend every GM rip off
Smokin' Aces for a messy good time. If you’d like to read this with pictures,
why don’t you take a peek at my blog?
I've chatted about
Smokin Aces before, but the stripped down premise goes a little like this:
A talented schlub has a MacGuffin or is a…
Added by Michael Schulz on May 3, 2010 at 12:12pm —
Today is going to be another short one, but I figured I'd take the time to share a little gem of wisdom that was told to me years ago. It rung true then, and in my opinion it still holds true today when it comes to role playing. The little gem? It's quite simple really.
Added by A.L. on May 2, 2010 at 6:28pm —
A few people out there have helped me with my new site,
Stuffer Shack. I wanted to say thanks to Roleplaying Pro, The Geek Life Project, Greywulf's Lair, Critical-Hits, and Plastic Polyhedra. You guys rock!
Also, our
contest is still going. Have you made your submission yet?
Added by Tourq on April 30, 2010 at 10:30pm —
1 Comment
"Heroes are supposed to win, what if I lose?" While I can't believe I am doing it, that quote is from a movie called Varsity Blues, and in a sense sums up the problem that you can face at times when presenting your players with a Desperate Situation. You know the kind of situation I am talking about, almost every action movie ever made has one. You have to go in and save everyone, only
Added by A.L. on April 27, 2010 at 9:25pm —
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I recently started a blog for
Pathfinder RPG and wanted to include my first post here since nobody was bound to see it on its own for a little while. This is from my series about using story tropes in RPGs, this one is the Hostage Situation. Love it? Hate it? Let me know.
"Let me present a situation in three separate ways to illustrate a
point. This is a simple pirate encounter, but can be altered to fit
almost any situation. Let's assume the players…
Added by JP on April 27, 2010 at 2:35pm —
1 Comment
There is a fairly old and famous saying that "A hero is only as good as his villain". It's common enough that I hadn't originally thought it was worth talking about. Then I started to think about games that I've been in, both good and bad, and something that was missing that could have made them great. Even in my own games, with my own understanding of this concept, I had been missing that crucial thing to make a good story great. Missing a memorable villain.
Added by A.L. on April 25, 2010 at 11:30am —
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So lets look at a situation. You're playing in a game, and your warrior
is one of the finest in all the land. You've been developing him over
the last year or so of game, and he is finally starting to get to where
you want him to be. You get into a fight with an NPC, another in what
is quickly becoming a long line of challengers. Only the NPC does
something dirty, he blinds you with sand, and then permanently with a
strike of the blade. You've lost your sight, you lose the fight. The
character i…
Added by A.L. on April 23, 2010 at 2:30pm —
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So here it is another completely unscientific and informal survey. This will be probably the last one I do for a very very long time. So no worry about me sending out any more silly survey links.
First, a little about the survey. Once again this mainly for my own
curiosity. I just wanted to see what people were doing. Now I didn’t
post any links on any forums because I knew that would skew the results
one way or the other. If I had posted Paizo’s or Pinnacle’s forum
Added by Chuck on April 23, 2010 at 10:58am —
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You see it in movies all around you, the Hero needs to get something done. To get it done he needs to go into that building and reclaim it, he does his homework and is all ready but wait, what is that? Oh they completely revamped the security system! Our protagonist, a thief, has done their homework and is ready to crack into the safe, the score of the century once they bypass the SafetyLock…
Added by A.L. on April 22, 2010 at 2:41pm —
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Sorry, I really should have posted this sooner here. But real life just has a habit of sneaking up on you. But for your enjoyment here are the results from the completely informal and unscientific survey.
What do you want out of an RPG blog?
Commentary on game design and lifestyle: 36.1 %
Tips and How To’s: 27.6%
Game Add On’s: NPC’s, Magic Items/Gear, Adventures/Encounters 19.4%
Industry News: 8.2%
What RPG’s do you regularly play? (Pi
Added by Chuck on April 20, 2010 at 4:33pm —
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Hello everyone - this is my first post! First I have to say, cool network, I like it. I can see myself coming here often.
Second, I'd like to invite everyone to take a look at my new gaming site,
STUFFER SHACK. It's my first website, and I'm really proud of it.
Go check it out, drop a line.
Take it easy. Thanks,
Added by Tourq on April 20, 2010 at 9:51am —
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Until I can figure out how to cross-post easily from
my blog over here to RPMN, I'll just have to do the copy-paste shuffle. Anyway, this is a subject I first touched on
over yonder, and it's something that I've expanded upon.
Basically, there's a tendency among both game designers and game players to marginalize, sexualize or downright denigrate the role of wo…
Added by Blue Ink Alchemist on April 20, 2010 at 8:07am —
It's been a couple of weeks since posts at Well, I'm back after a few weeks in and out of port, and ready to post anew! Check out for new posts (almost) daily.
Added by Mark Meredith on April 20, 2010 at 6:35am —
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Wow, so many things going on, so little time!
I'll try to make
this short, because the To-Do list is already looming over my shoulder,
asking why I'm spending time online when I should be doing... any number
of the things below! But it will be a link-arific post, so you can fill
yourself in more on what I'm talking about at your leisure.
Little Yoshida…
Added by JessHartley on April 20, 2010 at 5:30am —
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A number of people have contacted me to ask how Ning's recent announcement will affect the RPMN. The current answer is: I don't know yet. Ning has not announced its new pricing and plans yet. If the plans are reasonably priced and I can pay it (or raise donations to pay it), I'll do it. If the costs are beyond my means (or more than you, the end user, are willing to donate to cover the costs), I'll see if someone with deeper pockets wants to take over.
Right now, too many question…
Added by Berin Kinsman on April 17, 2010 at 10:46pm —
Greetings to those who have decided (for whatever reason) to read
I suppose that's the right word for it.
Anyway, greetings. My name is Matt. I am an on-off student from the small welsh city of Swansea. I have been role-playing for nearly 5 years, and 4 of those have been spent GMing various games from different systems. My players have called me every name under the sun, some good, some bad. I have delighted my gamers wit
Added by Matt Katt on April 17, 2010 at 6:42am —
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